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News Topic Classifier

Organizing news articles is important because articles on similar topics are easy to find. This news article can be categorized using the News Topic Classifier. This module uses 14 topics according to pre-defined topics.

News Topic Classifier is used by entering a news article, then the output is topic name and its confidence score.


News Topic Classifier

Request Method


Request URL


Request Header

Key Data Type Description Value
Content-Type string Media type of the body sent to the API. Only Support 'application/json' application/json
x-api-key string API Key Acquired from Prosa API Console [YOUR_API_KEY]

Request Body

The request body accepts the following parameter(s) in JSON format.

Parameter Data Type Description Auto Required
text string text to be processed True


Sample Request (JSON)

    "text": "Atlet jalan cepat Indonesia, Hendro Yap menunjukkan semangat pantang menyerah pada final jalan cepat 50 km putra Asian Games 2018. Dia terus berjuang mencapai finis meski ternyata dia harus menahan rasa sakit selama pertandingan. Hendro alami cidera putus ACL yang dialaminya sejak tahun 2009."

Sample Response (JSON)

    "topic": "Sports",
    "confidence": 0.9663745164871216

News Topics

Adopted from IPTC Subject Codes that commonly used for classifying news and blog contents.

Topic Description Example
Sports Competitive exercise involving physical effort. Organizations and bodies involved in these activities. Alexis Sanchez resmi pindah ke Manchester United dari Arsenal pada bursa transfer musim dingin kali ini.
Politics Local, regional, national and international exercise of power, or struggle for power, and the relationships between governing bodies and states. Politikus PDIP Ario Bimo menjelaskan alasan dukungan PDIP kepada Joko Widodo di Pilpres 2019.
Governments The system for ruling a country. Presiden Joko Widodo menerima kunjungan kehormatan Utusan Khusus Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) untuk Inklusi Keuangan/United Nations Secretary General's Special Advocate (UNSGSA) for Financial Inclusion Ratu Maxima.
Arts, Culture and Entertainment Matters pertaining to the advancement and refinement of the human mind, of interests, skills, tastes and emotions. Kapan nikah?”2 kalimat yang lebih menakutkan daripada karakter Ibu di Pengabdi Setan.
Economy, Business and Finance All matters concerning the planning, production and exchange of wealth. Laju Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) masih berpotensi mengalami kenaikan cukup besar setelah pada perdagangan Rabu kemarin ditutup melemah 1,38% atau 87,76 poin di level 6.251.
Disasters and Accidents Man made and natural events resulting in loss of life or injury to living creatures and/or damage to inanimate objects and property. Korban tewas sebanyak 27 orang akibat kecelakaan bus pariwisata bernopol F 7959 AA di tanjakan Emen, Subang, Jawa Barat, Minggu (11/2) siang dimakamkan.
Science and Technology All aspects pertaining to human understanding of nature and the physical world and the development and application of this knowledge. iPhone 7 Tawaran Apple untuk gantikan baterai uzur dengan harga yang dipotong besar-besaran dapat menjadi rintangan bagi penjualan iPhone di 2018 jika orang-orang lebih memilih ganti baterai ketimbang ganti gawai, demikian analisis Barclays yang dimuat Reuters (4/1)
Education All aspects of furthering knowledge of human individuals from birth to death. Pamekasan, (Media Madura) - Sebanyak 183 lembaga pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) di lingkungan Dinas Pendidikan (Disdik) Kabupaten Pamekasan, Madura, Jawa Timur tanpa guru agama.Faktor kekurangan guru yang mengajar pendidikan agama Islam (PAI) itu kata Kepala Disdik, Moch Tarsun dikarenakan tidak pernah ada rekrutmen Calon Pegawai Negari Sipil (CPNS).
Lifestyle and Leisure Activities undertaken for pleasure, relaxation or recreation outside paid employment, including eating and travel. Beberapa waktu lalu, para pemain film Dilan 1990 menggelar acara syukuran untuk merayakan tercapainya 4 juta penonton.
Crime, Law and Justice Establishment and/or statement of the rules of behaviour in society, the enforcement of these rules, breaches of the rules and the punishment of offenders. Organizations and bodies involved in these activities. Penyidik segera melakukan pemanggilan terhadap Gubernur Jambi Zumi Zola untuk diperiksa sebagai tersangka.
Unrest, Conflict and War Establishment and/or statement of the rules of behaviour in society, the enforcement of these rules, breaches of the rules and the punishment of offenders. Organizations and bodies involved in these activities. Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto berkirim surat ke DPR untuk meminta agar TNI diberikan peran aktif dalam menanggulangi aksi terorisme di Indonesia.
Health All aspects pertaining to the physical and mental welfare of human beings Tim medis relawan Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) turut turun tangan membantu mengatasi wabah campak dan gizi buruk di Kabupaten Asmat, Papua.
Automotive Automotive News is a leading source of industry news and data, and serves top industry executives, including car manufacturers, equipment suppliers and franchised dealers. Featuring information about cars & concepts, dealers, OEM/suppliers, and much more, including webinars, special reports, and events. Suzuki terus konsisten untuk memperkenalkan 'gear' terbaiknya sebagai partner untuk menaklukan tantangan bagi para konsumennya.
Others Other topics except as mentioned above. Baru-baru ini dunia maya dibuat gempar dengan cuitan seorang pria bersama Jiemi Ardian. Jiem Ardian yang berprofesi sebagai Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Practitioner, National Hypnotherapy Instructor, NLP'er, Psychiatric Resident, Half Doctor-Half Shaman ini menuliskan kalimat-kalimat yang menuai kontroversi di jagat maya.

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